Come try this fun and inclusive sport! The program is open to anyone age 5-17 years old, with or without a disability!
Medicine Hat YOUTH Sledge Hockey
WHAT: Sledge hockey is the same rules as "stand-up" hockey but played with a piece of equipment called a sled. Individuals hold small hockey sticks with metal picks on the end which they use to move around the ice. We strongly encourage both individuals WITH and WITHOUT disabilities to participate at the grassroots level as it is a great sport for anybody looking for a fast paced and fun new sport to try!
WHERE: Big Marble Go Centre
WHEN: Sundays, 2:15pm-3:30pm
COST: $225 for fee + $100 fundraising commitment (Participants can choose to pay this fundraising commitment below if they do not wish to fundraise later on in the season with the Opt-Out option)
Equipment: Sleds and jerseys are provided. Participants need helmet with cage, hockey gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads and boots/runners. "Try it out" equipment available.
*Typically open to ages 5 - 17 years old.
**NEW** - We’d ask that players who have been playing 2+ years purchase their own sticks this season. These can be purchased for $40 from MHASR or more selection can be found at: If this is a barrier to your participation please email as she will support you to make something work!
Tournaments entering in as MH Hounds (Tournament fees covered by MHASR):
- Red Deer - Oct 26-27,2024
- Larry Godin Classic - Jan 17-19, 2025
- Red Deer - February 22-23, 2025
- Westerns - March 2025
*For these tournaments Medicine Hat players need to be playing with Medicine Hat teams unless otherwise discussed with Tara.
Other tournaments can be entered into by Medicine Hat athletes (e.g., Kindersley, Regina, etc) but the tournament fee must be paid by players going. Medicine Hat players can also play with other teams but this must be discussed with Tara so she can transfer player rights to that team for insurance purposes.
Thanks to our sponsors: